Sunday, April 02, 2006


Oprah's episode today(yesterday?) was emotionally draining.


When I focus on somethin for too long I fail to see the obvious. My new 'fresh eyes' technique is to STOP DROP and ROLL, no I'm just kiddin hehe I stop, drink tropicana orange juice*, play a song then get back to the task at hand (usually its Su Doku or lookin for my keys).

*Can only be tropicana cuz their new bottles are horrible, they can only be opened using a butcher's knife and that itself is a strenuous task therefore ensuring you forge-abour task 1.


Around two weeks ago I was homeless for 8 hours. It sucked. A friend was over we were getting ready to go out (supermarket for the malageef), we were at the door when she asked "you have the keeeys?"
While she was saying 'keys' I heard a 6ARABA7! (door slam)

Now lemme get this straight since you weren't sure whether or not I had keys and were actually waiting for an answer WHY SLAM THE DOOR BEFORE YOU GET YOUR ANSWER!

I kept giving her the 'sharap don't talk to me-you're stupid' look for the rest of the day.

Confession: I honestly wasn't pissed at all, but when people assume I am I just play along, fun stuff.


I love my friends to bits but I noticed that most of them fall into two groups. Group A are the ones I call once or twice a month if somethin dramatic happens and next time we see eachother we pick up from exactly where we left off. Group B I love equally but are slightly more high maintenance. They would be the ones sending me daily sms's asking the exact same questions. I've honestly worn out all possible replies for the question :
"Hii! How's it going"

1) Its goin!

2) Not bad!
3) Wullah il7imdilah
4) Mashy il7al

Why can't everyone be like Group A! Better yet ask me a different question, ask me what color underwear I'm wearing atleast then I'll give you a different answer! Yes okay, if we have somethin to talk about yes I don't mind, but don't just message me so you can go back to sleep thinkin to yourself 'zaain sawait ily 3alay, si'alt 3an Jan6a ilyom. Bs ihya allah yihadaha mafeeha ilkhair, matis'al!'

Oh and yeah some members of Group B do not enjoy being ignored, they take it personally- they'd even send an sms sayin "alooo". Please tell me who the fuck does that? Just pisses me off.

Shinoo 'aloooo' !! Sharid 3alaihum 'Ee asmi3ich' ?!

Blukh! Its beyond me really.


Yes I realized this post has turned into a rant but oh well.


On a ligher note my mother sends the cutest sms's. This is true for a number of reasons:
1) They start and end with 'mama'
They need to be deciphered cuz the numbers and spelling are all wrong.
They don't require a reply.

In the event where I do reply I would get a:
"Mama thx 4 rply, Tk care love yo mama"




Utmost-y said...

hellooo ,

lool i was smiling for the katkoty thing ;p a7esich etfakreen b ur mama n wrote it ! y7lailha ;P

dont you just hate group A n B ?!;p i would rather make a C group that goes like this: me kil 2 weeks ! n when i dont answer they totaly understand that hmmm KAIFI!

2.ysolfon ,not the type that says shako mako o shlonich ba3ad! awww!!

3.send intersting msgs(khe6ba ,bad jokes o new opennings) mu 7abebe bdonk ma3eesh stuff !
i should go now n look for new friends ;P

too long for a first comment!,sorry ;p

adorra said...


I'd ask you what color underwear you were wearing if only I could figure out where I know you from!!

I'm sending a message to all my contacts now if you get one let me know :P

Jan6a said...

merryO: No he isn't is he ? Who we talkin about ehehe ?

laialy: you ask ppl what color underwear they're wearing!? Today's Answer: navy blue :p

utmost: Unfortunately 'katkooty' wasn't in reference to my mother, its a different story all on it own. And I actually wish everyone could be like group A, the C group i can live without, the flan wild sabacha bint mit3ib '7a6ab flana bnt rgaya bint salaf annoy me. If i knew these ppl i'd know from a phone call, if i dont then why would i be interested in the first place, right?
oh and yeah welcome to greenville! :>

adorra: here's the thing my kuwaity line is back home hehe i kinda forgo' it, so boohoo! tara this is funny hehe bs i think there's atleast 1 or 2 degrees of seperation hmmm.

Bravecat said...

Shell your number out and I'll bombard you with questions you wouldn't know how to start answering :p

Enjoy your friends. Both groups. If the group B disappears, you will miss them and their stupid sms.

The Krispy Dixie said...


adorable post! I love the part with ur mommy! soooo cute!!

locking urself out is the worst feeling ever, but at least there was someone with u to keep u company! :D

Take care hun!

P.S. If people get pissed off when u ignore them, then I say its all the more reason to ignore them. One should strive at all times to annoy one's friends ;)

Luckybellybuddha said...

!S!o! D!e!A!r!E!s!T, how!are!you,!hope!all!is!going!well!&!times!are!rolling!cool!&!sweet.
!One!shouts!&!scare!the!sparkling!shit!out!of!the!other!2!&!so!they!join!in!..!ay!vivaldi!,,!ay!3amat!3ayn! :-/
!3ayara!. !I'd!give!2!months!wages!for!a!look!at!the!expression!on!your!face!the!minute!that!door!6araba7ed! ..!hehehe! :-p
!naharich!a7la!o!as3ad!min!that!of!mine!today!&!everyday!! :-*)

Jan6a said...

Cat Woman: You're actually right, when i don't get the pointless question for 2 days i KNOW somethin is wrong and i'd send 'oi u alive?' , they'd reply and id ignore hehe

krispy kreme: Thanks buddy, your comment was whats cute not the post ! You always this nice? And yeah annoyin the shi' outa my friends is kinda the only thing i excel in so don't worry about it hehe i've got it covered.

Buddha buddy!!; welcomeback! y o u w e r e m i s s e d a l o t a l o t a n d y e s i c a n t o t a l l y r e l a t e w i t h t h e a n n o y i n g k i d s i n f l i g h t s m a 3 u m r y t i h a n a i t ! a n d t h e l o o k o n m y f a c e w a s t h e ' i c a n t b e l i e v e t h a t j u s t h a p p e n e d l o o k ' h a v e a g r e a t d a y b u d d y !

Jan6a said...

adaydreamer: ashwa ana the msgs are usually durin the day, but oh my god how horrible it'd be if i were to be waken up with a ridiculous msg such as 'alooo'. I remember once i replied "Al jihaz mu'3laq" i was in a fluffy mood :P

Ms.Baker: Fo sho! My mamma's so cute she put the pampers commercial to shame :P (im not feeling that line AT ALL hehe but i can't think of anythin else so shhh 6awfeeha ly)

YoOoNa said...


Hii! How's it going

tara a5atht break min ilderasa just to a6il 3ala blogich il jameel :** 3ashan walla walaht 3alaiih ;p min ziman 3anna

oo hey ;p group B, hathaiil true frnds, at least ga3deen ewaroonich inna ohma ga3deen efakroon feech kil youm ;p
mo 5ermes mermes ;p

Baroque said...

jan6a u never cease to make me laugh my head off!
damich khafeef ya bint!

Mother Courage said...

this is so cute !! mom is just the same she begins every sentence with mama and ends it with mama , when she writes an sms msg she kinda get confused between the "ch" and "sh" which so soo funny ex;

"mama weniSH feeh? etha wesaltai el bait kalmenee okay mama ?"

Jan6a said...

Voluble bnayatna: Wullah iny 7asaitich u'll be a Group B type of girl, ee ma'7tilafna uhma khosh nas akilish malha da3y, low they were more creative with their questions i wouldn't have a problem.
Inzain bashray hows it goin weyach with the whole shibangbang?

Barooky: you're prolly easily amused, cuz i was actually *slightly* pissed off while writing the post :P

windtalker: GBH is actually a carb found in ur various organs in ur body. 3ijbatny 'xtc' i call it E! or X hehe and yeah everyone's life shud be videotaped, wouldn't that be like the Truman show a la Star Academy ?
p.s: do i get a cookie?

Mother Courage: tara the example u just had is SO my mother! Wanish, Shlonish, ily tabeena hehe bs ya7lailha i think she's gettin better, ilyom im6arshatly raqam so her msg was 'mama this is dr no keep it in ur mobile mama'
dr= their :p

YoOoNa said...

shibangbang?? ;p

ana group B bass i dont ask same questions over n over.. 3ady i write "tara ma 3indy salfa agoolha bass aby adzlich msg achayyek 3alaiich 7aya mayta ;p"