Thursday, March 30, 2006



i n e e d t o g e t m y a c t t o g e t h e r t h i s i s g e t t i n g b e y o n d p a t h e t i c a n d t h e w o r s e p a r t i s i a m a w a r e o f i t e v e r y s i n g l e f r i g g i n g o d d a m n d a y i t s n o t h o m e s i c k n e s s i a c t u a l l y n e v e r w e n t t h r o u g h t h a t i t s n o t b o r e d o m i m a c t u a l l y h a v i n a g o o d t i m e a t a d t o o m u c h b u t f o r g e t a b o u t t h a t i d o n t k n o w i d o n t k n o w s e e t h a t s a n o t h e r l i e i k n o w e x a c t l y w h a t n e e d s t o b e d o n e b u t i m h a v i n g t r o u b l e g e t t i n g t o t h e s t a r t i n g l i n e w h a t s f u n n y a c t u a l l y n o t f u n n y a t a l l i c a n t e v e n s e e t h e f i n i s h l i n e w r i t i n g t h i s l i k e t h i s i s c a t h a r d i c a n d p o i n t l e s s a t t h e s a m e t i m e s a y g o o d n i g h t a n d g o g o w h e r e j e n e s a i s p a s j u s t g o o f f t o p i c i r e a d a l i n e i l i k e d e x c e l l e n c e k n o w s no g e n d e r c e s t v r a i a t l e a s t i t h i n k s o s o s a y g o o d n i g h t a n d g o


Sunday, March 26, 2006

What time is it?

A crowded restaurant

I'm standing there waiting for a table, place is slightly packed and whenever someone passes infront of me this is what I do - ashfu6 karshity and tiptoe!


I don't know, I guess in my head I'm givin the dude more space to walk.


*Its nice..

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Where have all the ladybugs gone? Could it be that I've grown older and stopped looking for them? I remember being a toddler and searching the fields in the wafra or in the garden tryin to find the odd creature. Once I found them I'd let them crawl all over my skin allowing them to freely roam their new ground. Ten minutes later I'd either get bored or ticklish and make sure the lil thing came back to the palm of my hand- that's when I'd make a wish and blow* it away.
*to all the lady bugs I blew away I hope you all landed safely!


I make wishes on absolutely everything! Going under a tunnel, crossin a bridge, when the clock is 11:11, passing a yellow light, throwing coins in a wishing well or fountain, seeing a breathtaking view and even when the seatbelt sign is turned off after take off*.
*we're i-don't-know-how-many feet over land- thats garra count for something!


I've never been scared of flying. Never. Never. Never. UNTIL I took a short flight with a charter plane. Thing is I don't know if I was scared because of the excessive turbulence or because my parents didn't know about the trip. Granted all my siblings knew and so in my head if anythin goes wrong my brother knew where to find my body but still I was petrified! The 15 meter plane that had a juke box playing hip/hop did not amuse me one bit. I was surrounded by apathetic businessmen enjoyin their morning paper. No one dared to drink anythin fear of gettin it spilled over their freshly pressed suits. Say no to charter planes. No No No!


Insider info: This post was inspired by a picture of a ladybug my friend had as her display icon. So yeah my posts have no deep thinking processes to them. Typing them up is pretty much smooth sailing but around 7 minutes is dedicated to making it look purrty (fonts, colors, etc.) So there you have it.


P.S: The pic was not my friend's display thingy. I searched for it during the 7-minutes.
Naughty aren't they? :p

Free Image Hosting at

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


This picture broke my heart. No not because I'm a lovey dovey person and did a whole 'aaaawww how cute'. (actually it is cute but thats not the point!) It triggered MANY unpleasant childhood memories. I think I'm brave enough to share my deep dark secret. A secret I've never admitted to anyone. I am brave now.

(i don't know how to skip)

Everythin else I can do: walk, jog, run, sprint, skip the rope friggin hopscotch but 'skippin' is somethin I can't do. I've practiced and practiced but I'm convinced that its one of these things that you can either do or don't.

I can not.

So yeah I envy those two in the picture-they really have it good.


Saturday, March 18, 2006


I find it funny that I never question somethin until I'm asked to explain it. Today I had a very interesting (prolly only to me) about arabic nicknames. It just confused the hell outa my friend but in the end he surprisingly got it.

so today's victim is : Mohammed
(Shaheen is busy)

Clueless: So why did you call him Mhamad isn't his name Mohammed?

Jan6a: Yeah in Arabic its pronounced Mhamad, and Hamood is short for that.

Clueless: What?? But that sounds nothing like the English or Arabic version!!

Jan6a: Hmm it doesn't? 'Mhamad' 'Hamood' ? Well I guess its like the name Alexandra, in Russia 'Sacha' would be her nickname. Know whar am sayin?

Clueless: Aha Aha. So he has 3 names this one, an English one, an Arabic one and the nickname that sounds nothin like them.

Jan6a: He can also be referred to as Bu-Jassim.

Clueless: WHAT! That doesn't even have the same letters!! Who's Boo Jew! Does that even mean anythin?

Jan6a: Bu means father of and so it'd literally mean father of Jassim.

Clueless: But wait wait, this one he's not married is he? I didn't know he had a baby!!! When did all this happen!

Jan6a: No you dumbass he's not married. Actually I'm the dumbass for bringin it up, ehh its kinda confusing you see most arabic male names have a corresponding name.

Clueless: Ay Maria! Like an alter ego??

Jan6a: Hehe No no not an alter ego. Hmm how do I explain this, like Mhamad would be Bu Jassim and a guy called Jassim would be Bu Mhamad. Matchin names kinda thing, make sense?

(Clueless does some deep thinking)

Clueless: So basically when your parents pick out their sons name they're also picking their grandsons name?

Jan6a: Smart! But hhh not necessarily. Some do it that way but it really doesn't have to be.

Clueless: So lets say Mhamad called his son Alfred.

Jan6a: Thats ridiculous buddy, why would he call his son Alfred? If you're gonna create a hypothetical scenario might as well make it slightly realistic. Let him call his son Abdullah.

Clueless: Okay fine Abdullah! So they'd call him Bu Abdullah and forget Bu Jassim ever existed?

Jan6a: Eeehhh I think you'll still find his old friends and a few people refer to him as Bu Jassim. So his hommies from waay back, gerrit?

Clueless: Jesus Christ! So this poor fella would answer to :
1) Bu Abdullah,
2) Bu Jassim,
3) Mhamad,
4) Mohammed
5) Hamood

Jan6a: There we go, exactly! But its really not as complicated or as frustrating as you make it sound!

Clueless: Ah-ha, I think I get it! Lets do another one!! Does it work with Abdullah as well??

Jan6a: Yeaaahh but how about we do Abdullah another day?

Note: This conversation actually took 172 times longer than the time it took you to read it. Each Arabic name mentioned was written down on a piece of paper and repeated a gazillion times by Clueless.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I Love you Jeeehny!

Im the kind of person who whenever I see anyone running I automatically say (out loud might I add)

"Ruuun Forrest! Ruuuuuuun!"

Yes I am geeziya* and proud. Leave me alone.
*tried to Shift F7 this word but I got nothing.

So Forrest Gump. You think of that movie and what comes to mind other than:

"My momma always said, Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

I love that movie don't get me wrong but doesn't that line only apply to the senile? Whatever happened to reading the label buddy?

*Note the Apple logo on chocolate box. Cute, no?

*Shrimp Shrimp!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dear Diary

Since I never kept a diary I'll use my blog for this entry.

Dear 3abdo, (a diary's garra have a name no?)

March 11 has been good to me this year. I don't remember where or what I was I doin last year or the year before but today has been blissful. You know when its just a good day from start to finish. Yes yes exactly that. Start -> Finish has been wonderful. Funny thing nothin dramatic, life changin happened, I didn't even go out but yeah. Woke up late, did my normal routine (coffee, internet, music) and yes I was all smiles. Studied a bit, talked to friends and then cooked a fantabulous Mexican feast. I still didn't eat it tho, but the cooking process was FUN FUN FUN! Dancin to whatever iTunes Shuffle had to offer casually dressed in my boxers and worn out t-shirt with my warm fluffy slippers. Its been great. And the good news is the days still not over. You think I'm jinxing it by tellin you? Hmm good point, but I honestly wouldn't mind! As long as all my blaah days have a March 11 to make up for it I'm goood.

Yours only,

- J A N 6 A


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Table for 2

I realized I have a soft spot for nice waiters !

Sometime last week I went to this local family owned restaurant with very basic furniture, I figured their food would make up for the decor but yeeeah NO!

The table next to mine was occupied by elderly Brits who huffed and puffed at their food. When the waiter asked how everythin was they blurted "the meat is synthetic and the chips taste like plastic!" Since the waiter's English was very limited all he gathered from the rude comment was 'plastic!' The look on his face was heartbreaking maskeen, he just asked if they'd like to order somethin else from the menu, they didn't and so he left clearly upset.

Movin on to my table: My food arrived with all my appetizers here and there and a very disappointing main dish. I tackled the appetizers first. Then decided to have some of my side dishes. Since I have delayed action in basically everythin only after havin 3 spoons of Tzatziki*did I realize that it was FULL of garlic. It was soo bad that I just lost my appetite and decided to play around with my main course (cut and move the pieces so it looks like I've eaten somethin).
*basically thick rob oo khyar

Poor waiter comes along and asks if my food is fine, I reply with "Oh yes marvelous, thank you!" He then goes on and tells me how its his favorite dish and he made sure the cook (who was his brother) was 'generous' and added some extra stuff special for me. (I didn't buy this but gave him A for effort) I just looked at him intriguingly and took another bite with a smile and a let out a very fake "Hmmm!! :>" (<- thats a smiley face btw)

Waiter walks away very pleased with himself. I take two more *tiny* bites and realize that's all I can handle. Just when I thought that'd be the end of it:

Waiter comes back with complimentary dessert- A MILK pie!

I don't even like milk!! So ONCE AGAIN I force myself to bite away with all sound effects possible. He walks away and I let out a big sigh of relief, just a tad too loud.

2 minutes later poor fella comes back yet again with complimentary apple pie!

At this point I just wanna kill myself cuz I'm still feelin the bloody garlic coming out of my nose (Yeah not a pretty fluffy descriptive image but yeah it was that nasty so spare me). So I think to myself, well atleast its somethin I like, you can't go wrong with apple pie can you?

I take a bite and yeaaaaah apparently YOU CAN!

It was filled with spices and this weird cinnamon (I love cinnamon by the way but this shi' was spicy!) and the custard was soggy - uuugghh it was bad bad bad!

Waiter tells me how he noticed I didn't really like the milk pie but he was sure I'd love this. Quite the antithesis of love buddy. But I ate it all. All. All. All.

Every last friggin god forsaken bite.

WHY? So I wouldn't hurt the poor man's feelings. The man I probably will never see again in my life.

So yeah waiters are good people.

*Check plz!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Kodak Moment

Whenever on holiday I dont have time to clean out my inbox or sent items.

So here are a couple of Sent Items I thought I'd share:

"U know whats cool and weird at the same time- everyone and by that i mean everyone smokes so everywhere is Smokin- Hell, even Mc F!@'in Donalds!"

"I'm havin baqlawa shaped like a pie so yummy! China wa7da wearing a fluffy skirt without nickers so the cold air is tingling her insides*"
*edited for my sensetive readers.

"Yeah I'm kinda outa town, call u when I get back?"

"Oi the que is long, order me a waffle with choc sauce with 2 scoops of raspberry sorbet!"

I got the whole belly in my hands :p