Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dear Diary

Since I never kept a diary I'll use my blog for this entry.

Dear 3abdo, (a diary's garra have a name no?)

March 11 has been good to me this year. I don't remember where or what I was I doin last year or the year before but today has been blissful. You know when its just a good day from start to finish. Yes yes exactly that. Start -> Finish has been wonderful. Funny thing nothin dramatic, life changin happened, I didn't even go out but yeah. Woke up late, did my normal routine (coffee, internet, music) and yes I was all smiles. Studied a bit, talked to friends and then cooked a fantabulous Mexican feast. I still didn't eat it tho, but the cooking process was FUN FUN FUN! Dancin to whatever iTunes Shuffle had to offer casually dressed in my boxers and worn out t-shirt with my warm fluffy slippers. Its been great. And the good news is the days still not over. You think I'm jinxing it by tellin you? Hmm good point, but I honestly wouldn't mind! As long as all my blaah days have a March 11 to make up for it I'm goood.

Yours only,

- J A N 6 A



Luckybellybuddha said...

Around now in Kuwait is when the weather gets nicest provided freaky dusty days don't show up & they usually don't.
The night chills well & by the morning you'd get this wonderful clear "real blue" sky & a breeze that has a pleasant cold pinch to it. It just lifts your mood no matter what.
You can either spend it in bed in light clothing thus having the need to wrap the warm quilt around you & watch a nice film while having breakfast with the window(s) wide open & sparrows chirping, or go out before sunrise for a walk on the beach & by the time the sun climbs out you go for a nice breakfast at your favorite place (al bustan of sas is mine, lovely muesli), then a nice long bike ride away from inhabited places (shame ma 3indna mountainous roads :-( ).
I know its cold where you are & so I mean not sound inconsiderate, but this post fitted this time of the year & its package perfectly, I found. :-)
3asa kel ayamich March11th if not better :)

Baroque said...

;p wannasa!
u cook mexican!
hello! i want an invite over when u throw a feast here in kuwait! ;p

anywayz sounds nice..
you sound calm and having fuN!

i hope all ur daysa are March 11th.. bs come on, something other than that must have happened, moo kil hal wanasa 3ala ga3da bil bayt ;p

Luckybellybuddha said...

Hi jashanmal :)
Walla ya akhee el kareem I thank you profusely for the invitation bs I usually am a loner when I roam around (7ata when I travel abroad), in fact my brother thabi7neeeeee big time to join his gang of harlies on their cruises bs kella a3thether lah.
btw I know you meant (el 3awath wala el gi6ee3a) re- the ride you mentioned, bs as I am sure you'd agree, mountainous roads with super steep cliffs & sharp bends are still '3aaair… sigh ;-)
Allah ykaafik shar el 6ay7a & e7teramati :-)

Jan6a said...

Buddha buddy!!:Ya ba'7atkum 3al jaw il7iloo, i was just in a nasty storm away from the city and yeah pretty much got soaked to say the least! Although I'm warm now my fingers are still a funny shade of blue.(not quite a March 11)

jashman: That was nice of u, what about ur fagi3 expeditions don't we get an invite on that? :p

baroque: lay'3urich tara mexican is the easiest to prepare hehe. So afaa 3alaich ismich is on the invitation min al7een, 3ady intay nu6ray ley il9aif if not next year. And yeah like i said small gestures here and there happened but nothin 'dramatic' it was just NICE!

buddha buddy!: u loner u hehe who turns down a gang of harlies? :p


Luckybellybuddha said...

shoot, shoot, shoiot, so sorry Jan6a.
Jashanmal mate were you addressing me or Jan6a? I took it for granted it was me as i mentioned bikes.. hope my mouth didn't open while out of place. soarry!

Jan6a said...

buddha buddy: no buddy the invite was clearly for u, i was just sayin what a nice gesture that was. Gerrit?

Luckybellybuddha said...

!!!!!!Jan6a buddya!!!!!!: matshoofin shar 7abibtel sha3b, bs you appear in high spirits :-) good for you buddy buds.
el7in yabeelich a hot chocolate & a warm quilt wrap.
p.s. soarry about the exclamation marks increase, they're gonna stick.. el max is 10 & min 2.
adri sitich bs kayfi my comment :-p) bs they're there for all good reasons :-)

Jan6a said...

!!Buddha buddy!!: hehe im already in my warm robe and hood and chmaq and the whole gear. Bs il7imdila i still remember yesterday fa i guess the score is even (can't win them all can we?)

Blogger said...

Hmmmmm..yabeela! Diary :P

La bas seriously I dont comment alot but I have a craving for nachos now :P

Delicately Realistic said...

Kan ya makan fe qadeem il zaman wa7da ismha DR, DR had a friend called Jan6a, DR kanat dayman awal wa7da to comment on Jan6a's blog. Il7een lil asaf she has become commenter number 12. Theres no point in commenting now even, march 11th was 2 days back :/

Jan6a said...

sty: Yaay 7g ilnachos y3ny hehe? Latkhalee shay ib kha6rik, Go to the cinema bacher uw order 2 nachos. Ask the guy (waiter?) to put it on Jan6a's tab.

laialy: Thanx buddy :>

Dr. Dr. Abeech itgolenly itha the following statement is true or false b3dain gooleely kharabee6 commentor number 12 madry wesho.

Delicately Realistic (allah yikhaleeha lina) was the first person to read the post.

True or friggin True?

Eee Eee 3abaly ba3ad ! Wullaah!

Luckybellybuddha said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Delicately Realistic said...

True True!!!!!
I was I was!
Okaaaay, now I feel better.

Jan6a said...

the buddy who deleted the comment: Hmmm first you have me promising not to delete and then look what you do. These lyrics come to mind:
"Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek? "


DR. DR.: Zain ashwa :*

Blogger said...

Done..I took the liberty of ordering coke You might see that on your tab..I mean comeon nachos no coke..Pshhh yeah sure :P

Jan6a said...

sty: Laa weyak 7ag may9eer nachos bidoon coke! (3ala fikra mo layig inik u read my blog)

Luckybellybuddha said...

Inzain,,inzain..malah da3i kel hal tegrre9, am sorry :-p
ok i agree bs all for a good reason, I wrote something first o ba3dain thought a7san i don't. bs if u insist, i'll agool:-)
p.s. sheno they write on sugar packet ingredients?

Jan6a said...

!!buddha!!buddy!!: I know what you wrote tara, which is why i dont get why u deleted it.

As for the sugar, I'm a 'sweet an low' kinda girl, don't really care for sugar.

I'm currently listenin to a'3any falaban (Helloo!! Is it me you're lookin for) Yes I am also comtemplating suicide hehe

Luckybellybuddha said...

hmmm.. may'7alif, i understand etha ma fahamaw ba3th elnas, al rijal qawamoon 3ala el nisa'a (means are brighter & all) :pp hehe
loool re-sweet & low, bs ma3alah.. i was just curious enna eb malta shino it says 3ala el pack.

hehe, 3ayara I once got a wrong number call from a lady twice in a row & third time the minute she heard my voice & knew of course it was the same wrong number she went "hello, is it me you're looking for" :-D

O my current blissful ear abuse is Stevie Wonder's Past time paradise :)

p.s. if you insist 3ala el suicide momken etgoolin before u leave where you'll be heading? Janna or Nar?.. 3alashan i know where i'll go :-p

Jan6a said...

Buddha Buddy!!hehe how about we meet half way winchayik 3al wath3 and see where the 'gezz' is at and then choose?

I dont know what the sugar label says but i can tell u wat the label on a pack of ciggs says: "it-tiphjip jaghmel hsara lilek u lil ta' madawarek"

Pronounced: iltapyeep (smokin) ya'mil (ya3mil) hsara (khasara) l'elik (la ilak) uw ta'mdawrek (ily 7awalaik)

There's another one that says "Smoking causes impotence" ib lughat'hum il3atheema but im not even gonna go there :p

Luckybellybuddha said...

la princess, yegoloon makoo half way, once in you're stuck O apparently was6a ham makoo, so you'll have to take you're pick min ehnee & options are 2 only: having sex permanently without kids & mul7aqat'hom or getting "sexed" with hot rods.. makoo gazz, its straight to the point kinda thinggy magiggy (did I get this right)?hehe :p

Is that ciggi thing for 9ej walla? LOOOOOOOL Big time..:-)

Jan6a said...

I swear the ciggi thing fo' real! They got some freakishly funny messages on them, the joy of my day really hehe

Hmm as for our heaven/hell dilemma I choose option 2 (goes without sayin no?)

Luckybellybuddha said...

heheheeee Ms wits :-*

WV:kosyjf... :-#

Jan6a said...

wild 3amy: ish'hal wv!!! heheh :# indeed!